About the RESTART Network

The Research on Education Strategies to Advance Recovery and Turnaround (RESTART) Network focuses on identifying and disseminating evidence-based strategies aligned with the needs of policymakers, leaders and educators who are serving and supporting accelerated student recovery efforts. The network also identifies critical needs of the field and supports the research community in developing coherent and coordinated research strategies that build evidence for practices that ensure student recovery – especially among students who have struggled during educational disruptions. The RESTART Network will achieve this by need sensing, synthesizing evidence, and building a community that makes meaningful connections between the research community and policymakers, leaders, and educators.



The network seeks to assist PreK-12 public school systems in their recovery efforts and to inform broader research and practice, by:

  • Supporting policymakers and practitioners in responding to communitywide disruptions to the public education system.
  • Gathering knowledge, insights, and evidence to better understand and address the impact of these disruptions on education systems and support students and educators.
  • Contributing to building resilient education systems that can effectively respond to future disruptions by drawing on lessons and promising responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Network Lead


The American Institutes for Research (AIR) serves as the network lead for the RESTART Network. As the network lead, AIR facilitates the collaborative activities of the research teams by organizing convenings, overseeing solutions working groups, and more. AIR also is conducting research activities to complement the studies and is working to ensure the teams’ findings reach policymakers, school leaders, and educators.

Network Lead Team

Susan Therriault
Susan Bowles Therriault
Principal Investigator
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Sushmita Subedi
Sushmita Subedi
Project Director
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Lyzz Davis
Elisabeth Davis
Scan and Synthesis Lead
Kylie Klein
Kylie Klein
Recovery Efforts Network Lead
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Laura Checovich
Laura Checovich
Communications Lead
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Advisory Board

Paolo DeMaria
Paolo DeMaria
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)
Aaron Fettgather headshot
Aaron Fettgather
Senior Associate, Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)
Seth Gerson
Seth Gerson
Education Program Director, National Governors Association (NGA)
Noelle Ellerson Ng
Noelle Ellerson Ng
Associate Executive Director for Advocacy and Governance, The School Superintendent’s Association (AASA)
Akisha Osei Sarfo
Akisha Osei Sarfo
Director of Research, Council of Great City Schools (CGCS)
Karen VanAusdal
Karen VanAusdal
Vice President of Practice and Programs, Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
Greg Waples
Greg Waples
Senior Manager of State Engagement and Outreach, National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)