This brief shares information on trends of learning loss and recovery in Massachusetts and its impact on specific student groups.

This report highlights trends on multiple attainment indicators to measure the state of schools after the pandemic, including chronic absenteeism, achievement metrics, high school graduation rates, and postsecondary enrollment and attainment.
This report shares findings on potential correlations between program implementation and indicators of positive student experience, which include a supportive climate and student interest in learning.
This news article features an interview with researcher Susanna Loeb and provides examples of districts that have implemented high-impact tutoring programs since the pandemic.
This report investigate the effectiveness of using the i-Ready Personalized Instruction platform to promote student acceleration in the wake of the pandemic in a metro-Atlanta school district.
This journal article examines the effects of the pandemic on student attendance, course grades, and grade retention in North Carolina in 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 using descriptive and regression analyses.