This report considers how lessons learned during the pandemic can lead to transformative and lasting shifts in the landscape of K-12 education.

This journal article looks at how different environmental contexts during the pandemic, including socioeconomic status and children's schooling modality, predict experiences of psychological distress for parents.
This brief analyzes public school district leaders' concerns about student academic learning during the 2020-21 school year, reporting on content coverage and percentages of students performing below grade level or earning poor grades.
This report shares study findings on a full year tutoring program called Project On-Track, which provided schools with flexible, online tutoring sessions of this high-dosage, small-group literacy program for students in grades 1 to 3.
This report shares the findings of a a study on a large school district in the metro-Atlanta area that instructed teachers to devote more instructional time to mathematics and English language arts at the beginning of the school year in an effort to counter the effects of the pandemic on learning.
This report provides trends, examples, and promising practices of how state education agencies used ESSER funds to to address chronic absenteeism. It highlights four common areas of investment: data and early warning systems, reengagement of chronically absent students, family engagement, and wraparound supports.