This paper summarizes survey findings that illuminate how school districts in Minnesota responded to students' and families' emerging technology needs when schools shifted to hybrid and distance learning models during the pandemic.
This report shares findings from interviews with top leaders in five school systems that have emphasized grade-level instruction and highlights key challenges to implementing acceleration, such as challenging student behaviors, staffing shortages, and politicization of health, safety, and education.
This blog discusses the ESSER Funding Cliff Toolkit developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).
This brief estimates the effects of federal pandemic-relief funding (ESSER III) for K12 schools on district-level student achievement growth in 2023.
This report highlights research that suggests that ESSER funds played a role in improving academic outcomes in low-income districts during school year 2022-2023.
This is the fourth in a series of reports documenting student achievement trends from before the pandemic to present.