Planning & Finance
This report provides trends, examples, and promising practices of how state education agencies used ESSER funds to to address chronic absenteeism. It highlights four common areas of investment: data and early warning systems, reengagement of chronically absent students, family engagement, and wraparound supports.
This report considers how lessons learned during the pandemic can lead to transformative and lasting shifts in the landscape of K-12 education.
This news article reports on the distribution of ESSER funds and how certain districts and schools utilized the grants to meet specific school needs.
This news article explores how school districts are having to make cuts or adjust programs and staffing as federal pandemic relief funds are set to expire in the fall.

Post-pandemic, the country has been plagued by chronic absenteeism, with some reports finding that two-thirds of students in the country attend a school with high levels of chronic absence (20% of students missing four or more weeks).

This blog discusses the ESSER Funding Cliff Toolkit developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).
This report highlights research that suggests that ESSER funds played a role in improving academic outcomes in low-income districts during school year 2022-2023.
This brief estimates the effects of federal pandemic-relief funding (ESSER III) for K12 schools on district-level student achievement growth in 2023.
This brief provides a summary of changes to state strategic plans that focus on learning recovery.
CCSSO’s latest Road to Recovery report highlights five investment priorities for math acceleration: high-quality instructional materials, professional development, diagnostic and assessment tools, high-impact tutoring and out-of-school time programs.