Sustainable State ESSER Investments in Literacy to Improve Student Performance
From the report: "State education leaders have worked to bolster student reading skills using the 10 percent state set-aside through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund. These investments include nearly $900 million for initiatives exclusively focused on literacy and another $600 million on initiatives that prioritize literacy among other subject areas. Top literacy improvement strategies funded through the ESSER set-aside include professional learning for teachers and school leaders, out-of-school time learning, high-impact tutoring, high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), reading interventions and diagnostic and assessment tools. Using information from the CCSSO COVID Relief Data Project and interviews with SEA leaders and literacy and policy experts, the Road to Recovery: Sustainable State ESSER Investments in Literacy to Improve Student Performance report examines investment trends, state examples, promising practices and strategies for long-term sustainability of effective SEA literacy programming funded through ESSER state set-aside dollars."