

Effects of the Pandemic on Students, Families, and School Staff in 2020

From the brief: "As the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools in Spring 2020, children, families, and staff in high poverty schools faced the compounding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing racial and economic injustice. Historical inequities in access to resources and opportunities for families of color, and families living in low-income environments, have led to a disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on education stakeholders in urban, high-poverty schools.

This brief summarizes:

• Student and family needs during Fall 2020, in light of needs that arose at the outset of the pandemic in Spring 2020

• Challenges that students, families, teachers, and other school staff encountered during Fall 2020

Education stakeholders participated in City Connects, an evidence-based1–4 integrated student support intervention that implements a whole-child, systemic approach to identify student strengths and needs, and provide support for all students in a school. City Connects coordinators, key personnel who work closely with students, families, and school staff in over 70 schools in three states, shared the needs and challenges they observed."

Boston College Center for Thriving Children
Pollack, C., Leigh, Y., & Wasser Gish, J.
Date Display
Fall 2021