This blog discusses the ESSER Funding Cliff Toolkit developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).

This blog shares some of the ways state education agencies (SEAs) are supporting ESSER sustainability in their states.
This article provides specific strategies to help school-based speech-language pathologists understand and address students communication skills in the wake of the pandemic.
This blog summarizes the recent School District Spending of American Rescue Plan report which details and analyzes the survey responses about how school systems across the country are utilizing ARP funds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this blog post, the Coalition to Advance Future Student Success aims to elevate how aid provided by the Elementary and Secondary School Relief Fund (ESSER) is making an impact on schools thus far.
This blog emphasizes parent concerns on the development of social and emotional learning skills for children with and without disabilities during the pandemic.
This blog provides facts on the access to digital equity in California during the pandemic.
In this blog discusses the disparities among people of color for distance learning during the pandemic.
This blog discusses the challenges teachers facing while transitioning to remote learning during the pandemic.
From the article: "Remote learning requires teachers to confront new challenges, like assessing the impact of instructional time students lost last spring and supporting students with disabilities or those with mental health needs that might have grown worse after the pandemic. And it’s forcing teachers to rethink the ways they give feedback on student work, track discipline and attendance, and encourage their students to direct their own learning.