
Journal Article

Supporting and Recovering Science Learning Loss with a Game-Based Learning Approach Leveraging a School-University Partnership

From the article: "This study describes the process of forming the school-university partnership to support the professional growth of our teacher candidates and the in-service teachers at one of our partner school districts, Muncie Community Schools (MCS), while improving middle school students' science learning in the midst of the pandemic. First, we will describe the roles and contributions of different stakeholders that led to the formation of this collaboration. Next, we will discuss the successes and ongoing challenges of supporting students' science learning with the GBL approach through the school-university partnership."

PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice
Ding, A. E., Dubois, J., Shaver, E. J., Bradley-Levine, J., Siebert, C. J., & Giraldo-Garcia, R.
Date Display
Summer 2022