
This news article features an interview with researcher Susanna Loeb and provides examples of districts that have implemented high-impact tutoring programs since the pandemic.
This brief shares information on trends of learning loss and recovery in Massachusetts and its impact on specific student groups.

During our fall 2024 convening of the RESTART Network’s Core Research Teams, I was struck by an ongoing theme I heard from each team as they reflected on the research they conducted on pandemic recovery: having a pre-existing research-practice partnership (RPP) was essential to their ability to respond quickly to needs that emerged during the crisis. It was also key to the success of the research they were able to collaborate on during and after the pandemic. 

This article describes the interest-based learning approach of Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center (the Met) in Rhode Island, which addresses students' need for connection to adults and the world beyond the classroom.
This article shares seven important insights into how Guilford County Schools in Greensboro, North Carolina transitioned ESSER-funded programs to help engage students after the pandemic and ease absentee rates.
This article describes practical, accessible, and research-informed guidance for schools to tackle the challenge of student attendance through high-quality partnerships between schools, parents, and community members.
This article suggests that one intervention that can address chronic absenteeism in schools is to proactively share information about attendance with families.
This article reports how educators' who received technology training during the COVID-19 pandemic enhanced their teaching practices by using a 24/7 learning environment and personalization.
This report shares findings that student absences and staff shortages have sidelined the adoption of academic acceleration strategies and that the pandemic has shifted district priorities, reshaping the work of superintendents and senior administrators.
This article describes the close partnership between Ball State University, a local school district, and non-profit organizations to improve student learning in math, literacy, and science through ongoing support for teachers.