

Post-pandemic Changes in Absences and Chronic Absence Rates in North Carolina: Updated through 2022-23

From the brief: "The negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student outcomes has become well known. In the immediate pandemic years and the school years that have followed, researchers have documented large impacts on a range of student outcomes, including test scores, course grades, and grade retention. These impacts have appeared across states, grade levels, and student groups. While student test scores and grades have shown signs of recovery in the most recent school years, student attendance has emerged as an area of particular concern. Researchers across states have documented share increases in the percent of students who are chronically absent. Our own prior work shows increasing chronic absenteeism and percentages of school days missed in 2021-22. This research brief updates those results for the 2022-23 school year and seeks to understand changes in the distribution of absences and how increases in absences vary across different groups of students and schools."

Education Policy Initiative at Carolina
Crittenden Fuller, S., Bastian, K., Swiderski, T., & Lauen, D.
Date Display
March 2024