
This report highlights trends on multiple attainment indicators to measure the state of schools after the pandemic, including chronic absenteeism, achievement metrics, high school graduation rates, and postsecondary enrollment and attainment.
This report shares findings on potential correlations between program implementation and indicators of positive student experience, which include a supportive climate and student interest in learning.
This set of fact sheets shares national spending trends of state education agencies and offers examples of ESSER-funded programs that are making impacts in states across the country.
This report shares findings from a nationally representative survey of K-12 teachers in May 2023 that analyzes the potential long-term impacts of COVID-19 on public schools by examining school operations, instructional practices, and parent-teacher interactions.
This report shares educator survey results that show a majority of surveyed districts offered summer programs in 2023, but districts' largest summer programs typically enrolled less than half of eligible students.
This brief offers state leaders and advocates ideas for innovative practices and strategies that can address the needs of children in preschool and early elementary grades.
This report shares the research behind effective, high-impact tutoring programs and provides state actors with guidance for identifying evidence-backed programs.
This report shares study findings that document the how teachers' relative effectiveness changed when shifting from in-person to remote instruction and analyze the characteristics of teachers associated with greater effectiveness for remote instruction. The study's sample examined three large metro-Atlanta school districts using matched student- and teacher-level data.
This report provides trends, examples, and promising practices of how state education agencies used ESSER funds to to address chronic absenteeism. It highlights four common areas of investment: data and early warning systems, reengagement of chronically absent students, family engagement, and wraparound supports.

On October 11, 2024 the RESTART Network hosted the 2024 Virtual National Symposium: Lasting Lessons: Embracing Enduring Shifts in PreK-12 Education Systems featuring the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and the Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS). The symposium included presentations from researchers, school leaders, and policymakers about the enduring changes in PreK-12 education in the wake of the pandemic.