The article summarizes the findings of a case study examining how literacy instruction in K-3 classrooms was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal Article
This article uses findings from a qualitative study to demonstrate how teachers can envision themselves as key stakeholders in continual educational improvement through critical reflection in collaborative professional communities.
This journal article shares findings from a randomized pilot of an online tutoring program that measured the program's effect on student achievement.
This journal article looks at how different environmental contexts during the pandemic, including socioeconomic status and children's schooling modality, predict experiences of psychological distress for parents.
This paper summarizes survey findings that illuminate how school districts in Minnesota responded to students' and families' emerging technology needs when schools shifted to hybrid and distance learning models during the pandemic.
The January 2024 Issue of the State Education Standard from the National Association of State Boards of Education features articles about curriculum and education materials.
This journal article shares the steps taken by a school to advocate for and implement a model that allows special education services to access the behavior-analytic educational supports they had received on campus (e.g., Board Certified Behavior Analyst and paraprofessional support) in a novel and remote manner.
This study identified how a school can build relationships and foster resiliency, as demonstrated through academic improvement and connection to the school community, for students who experienced disrupted learning caused by the pandemic.
This study explores the progress made by Connecticut principals and school counselors in implementing the Connecticut Comprehensive School Counseling Framework.
This study examined principals’ reports of changes in non-instructional investments from SY 2019–2020 to SY 2020–2021 using data from a national sample of U.S. pre-kindergarten through 12th grade schools.