Back-to-School Strategies to Address Student Communication Losses
From the article: "As most students return to in-person learning, school-based speech-language pathologists might encounter questions about student communication skill losses related to lack of in-person instruction and service delivery. While telepractice allowed many SLPs to continue providing services online throughout the pandemic, this approach may have been less beneficial than in-person sessions for some students.
Limited access to sufficient devices or insufficient broadband speed or capacity may have reduced the amount of time a student could participate in remote classroom learning or speech-language pathology services via telepractice.
Other factors may have contributed to a student potentially losing communication skills during remote learning: difficulty accessing technology; difficulty with engagement and participation during online sessions; language barriers; usability of online platforms; lack of direct parent involvement; and many others.
Discovering specific factors related to communication skill loss can help school-based clinicians understand and recommend how best to intervene with these students."