

Learning Acceleration Guide: A Compilation of Learning Acceleration Principles and Practices in New Jersey

From the report: "The landscape of teaching and learning across New Jersey has shifted dramatically since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. New Jersey educators have worked tirelessly to design more equitable and responsive school systems. Collaboration with families and community members as equal partners in learning will be imperative as we move forward. The Learning Acceleration Guide summarizes the developing base of literature on learning acceleration approaches and shares promising practices from New Jersey schools. It has been crafted for LEA administrators with the goal of helping teachers, support staff, families, and students emerge from these unprecedented times and start the new school year stronger than ever. LEA leaders are encouraged to consider these strategies as they plan for the 2021-2022 school year. To be more responsive to students’ needs, many LEAs are creating extended and summer learning opportunities to facilitate learning acceleration. Many LEAs elected to leverage federal funds to create opportunities that increase the time students spend engaged in safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments, particularly for students most impacted by disruptions in learning due to the pandemic."

New Jersey Department of Education
New Jersey Department of Education
Date Display
August 2021