Research on Education Strategies to
Advance Recovery and Turnaround

Planning & Finance
This report provides results of in-depth interviews of leaders on the ground during the early pandemic years in six school systems.
This report presents school district leaders' views about staff turnover, hiring, and districts' financial outlooks at the end of the 2020–2021 school year.

National test scores show the deleterious effects of the pandemic on student learning. In this blog, we explore the urban-rural divide in learning loss and recovery. Urban districts lost more ground in math, while rural districts lost more in reading. As districts recover, Latino students and economically disadvantaged students in rural areas are further left behind.

This toolkit provides school leaders with relevant information and data around ESSER expenditures and student outcomes.

Superintendents and school leaders navigated hundreds of impossible decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. They needed quick, accurate, and trusted information about their students’ academic well-being, but districts weren’t positioned to start new partnerships or data sharing agreements during these tumultuous months. Their research staff were frequently managing public health logistics and staffing data, too.

Join the RESTART Network, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), for the Actionable Insights from Research and Practice to Support Pandemic Recovery Forum, an in-person convening at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) headquarters in Arlington, VA.

During the 2024 National Network Forum, researchers, policymakers, leaders, and practitioners will join to discuss accelerating student learning, fostering student connectedness and social emotional learning, and emerging research related to pandemic recovery.

This report provides updates on the well-being of students, as well as indicators of the overall health of the education system, including data on teachers, enrollment, and finances.
This blog summarizes the recent School District Spending of American Rescue Plan report which details and analyzes the survey responses about how school systems across the country are utilizing ARP funds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This report concludes research on five school systems to reveal the academic, social, and political challenges posed by the pandemic and what leaders and their staff are doing to address student learning loss.
This journal article analyzes how school districts handled the shift to special education remote learning.