

The State of the American Student: Fall 2023

From the report: "As we reported in the first State of the American Student report in September 2022, pandemic school closures led to unprecedented academic setbacks for American students. They exacerbated preexisting inequalities and accelerated the youth mental health crisis. At the same time, we documented pandemic bright spots, innovations, and discoveries that could allow us to overcome the underlying rigidities, inequalities, and dysfunctions that have long plagued U.S. public education and that revealed themselves disastrously during the pandemic.

We called on state and local leaders to get serious about using data to identify students with the steepest learning losses and to track and publicly report on academic recovery efforts. One year later, several states are setting a new precedent for transparency and accountability, including Connecticut, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Virginia. Texas, Tennessee, and Colorado have launched admirable tutoring efforts. These are important starts, but more is needed to meet this moment.

In this second edition, we provide updates on the well-being of students, as well as indicators of the overall health of the system, including data on teachers, enrollment, and finances."

Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE)
Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE)
Date Display
Fall 2023