
This report provides an overview of the effects of the pandemic on English learners in the metro Atlanta area.
This is the fourth in a series of reports documenting student achievement trends from before the pandemic to present.
This report highlights research that suggests that ESSER funds played a role in improving academic outcomes in low-income districts during school year 2022-2023.
This guide provides state leaders an overview of five actions necessary to establish lasting, effective student and staff wellbeing initiatives.
CCSSO’s latest Road to Recovery report highlights five investment priorities for math acceleration: high-quality instructional materials, professional development, diagnostic and assessment tools, high-impact tutoring and out-of-school time programs.
This technical report outlines preliminary results from the Personalized Learning Initiative showing that high dosage tutoring can be scaled and can work – even when delivered in the aftermath of the pandemic and in diverse academic settings.
This report examines investment trends, trends, state examples, promising practices and strategies for long-term sustainability of effective SEA literacy programming funded through ESSER state set-aside dollars.
This report provides the results from analyzing test score results from roughly 8,000 school districts in 30 states to measure the extent to which test scores changed from Spring 2019 to Spring 2022 and from Spring 2022 to Spring 2023.
This report summarizes the developing base of literature on learning acceleration approaches and shares promising practices from New Jersey schools.