

Evaluation of the State of Connecticut Summer Enrichment Grants Final Report

From the report: "The Summer Enrichment Initiative distributed over $8.6 million to summer youth programs across Connecticut in Summer 2021. The CSDE awarded Expansion Grants of between $2,500 and $25,000 to 210 programs to expand existing enrichment opportunities and increase access for students who might otherwise not have access to summer programs. It also awarded Innovation Grants ranging from $50,000 to $250,000 to 25 programs to provide students innovative summer programming. The Connecticut COVID-19 Education Research Collaborative (CCERC) commissioned an evaluation study of the Summer Enrichment Initiative in July 2021 as camps were underway. The evaluation examined the following: a) the degree to which camps increased students’ access to summer programming b) how camps used Summer Enrichment funds and the types of programming they offered c) students’ enjoyment of camp activities and experiences, and d) how the camps readied students to return to school after a year of pandemic-related disruptions. The evaluation also considered the challenges the camps faced and the successes they experienced."

Connecticut COVID-19 Education Research Collaborative
Cobb, C., Anagnostopoulos, D., Devona, K., & Overton, K.
Date Display
January 2022