

High-Dosage Tutoring Isn’t a Silver Bullet

From the article: "Tutoring has received a lot of attention and millions in funding over the past couple years. Rightly so—when done well, high-dosage tutoring is one of the most promising strategies for helping students catch up academically. Yet, the reality is that most students won’t receive high-dosage tutoring. According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, only about 1 in 10 students was getting high-dosage tutoring this year—a fraction of the need. The reasons for this vary from logistical factors—such as a lack of time, staff, or coordination—to financial constraints. That’s why it’s important that while expanding tutoring, principals do so in the context of the larger systems and practices in their schools that can help or hinder the success of all students. For example, how is your school using data to identify and respond to early indicators of academic struggle, such as absenteeism? Is your school prioritizing relationships so that students feel cared for and connected to school? Is there a culture of collaboration, or are teachers working in silos?"

Duncan, S., & Scala, J.
Date Display
June 2023