The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has gathered highlights from a variety of data sources to provide a composite, high-level view of the complex American education landscape since the onset of the pandemic.
This study synthesizes existing research on the implementation of tutoring programs which we define as one-to-one or small-group instruction in which a human tutor supports students grades K-12 in an academic subject area.
Across the country, scores for nine-year-old students dropped 7 points in math and 5 points in reading. But even before the pandemic, there were worrisome levels in proficiency—especially among historically underserved students—and gaps widened over the last two years.
From unfinished learning to missing students and lost earnings, these charts help explain the pandemic's long-term impact.
In this research brief, we provide descriptive data on the effect of the pandemic on student absences, course grades, and grade retention in the 2020-21 school year.
This report assesses the social and emotional learning of students after the enduring the pressures of racial tension, economic crisis, and social isolation during the pandemic.